Fresh Flowers: Florist Choice Bouquet
Buy fresh flowers for Mum this Mother's Day from our in-house florist, Michelle Nolan. Michelle will be arranging special $40 Florist Choice Bouquets using the best available flowers to brighten your Mum's day.
The flowers pictured are for display purposes only to show how our past florist choice bouquets have looked. Michelle will personally select the best flowers in beautiful colours with lush foliage to make your bouquet. We guarantee the quality and value of your flowers, and are happy to send you a photo of the bouquet before it is delivered: please be sure to leave a note with your mobile phone number to ask for this service.
Florist Choice Bouquets will be presented in florist paper with a ribbon for that perfect finishing touch. We can also add a card with a personal message for your Mum - just leave your message in the notes with your order.
To keep your flowers fresh, we recommend cutting the ends of your stems before adding them to a vase and changing the water daily. To maximise their life, keep your flowers in a cool spot out of direct sun.
Order your bouquet online to pick-up in store, or we can deliver your flowers for a flat low $5 fee for local deliveries (within 5km of our store in Yeerongpilly) or $20 elsewhere in Brisbane or Ipswich. This year, we will be delivering flowers on Friday and Saturday (7-8 May) to make sure that your Mum wakes up with fresh flowers this Mother's Day.